Here at Wabash City Schools, we take great pride in serving ALL students. We highly value inclusion and go to great efforts to serve ALL of our students. If your student is under our roof, WCS makes every effort to maximize their educational outcomes and ensure each student is college and career-ready for success in a global community. As you can see from the graph below, our efforts are paying off with the highest graduation rates when compared to local districts.
This data comes directly from the Indiana Department of Education which includes ALL buildings and ALL students for each district. This includes all of our 2023 graduates: traditional students, online students, and alternative school students.
WCS also leads much larger districts in our region, well beyond our county borders. Some of these districts are highly regarded districts that often grab headlines and attention, yet still have a lower graduation rate than Wabash City Schools.
This success is a testament to countless hours and innovative solutions by our high school guidance counselors, administrators, and teachers. Most years, 25% of our graduating class completes their first or second year of college while in high school, but EVERY student receives 100% of our effort toward graduation. Congratulations!! 👏🥳